Javascript Jumpstart - Functions

a.k.a Methods, we explore core concepts of functions.


6 min read

Javascript Jumpstart - Functions

What we'll cover

  • Exploring functions and their syntax

  • Differences between function declaration and function expression

  • Reusing parameter names and understanding their properties

In JavaScript, functions are blocks of reusable code that perform specific tasks or a set of related tasks. They promote code reusability, modularity, and maintainability. Functions have a name, parameters (or arguments), and a body containing the instructions or statements that define their behaviour.

When a function is called in JavaScript, control is transferred to that function, its statements are executed, and then control returns to the calling code. Functions can also return a value to the caller using the return statement.

// let's see an example before we go further
function addNumbers(a, b) {
  var sum = a + b;
  return sum;

var result = addNumbers(5, 3);
console.log(result);  // Output: 8

JavaScript functions can be called multiple times with different arguments, enabling code reuse. They can also be organized into modules or libraries, making them accessible to other parts of the program.

Now let's go in-depth...


  • In javascript, functions are first-class citizens.

    In JavaScript, the term "functions are first-class citizens" means that functions are treated as values and have the same capabilities as any other data type, such as numbers or strings. This concept enables functions to be assigned to variables, passed as arguments to other functions, returned as values from functions, and stored in data structures.

  • A function is an object. Remember, almost everything in javascript is an object.

    1. Functions can be assigned to variables and properties in objects.

    2. We can pass functions as parameters/arguments in other functions.

    3. We can return functions as values from other functions.

    4. This behaviour of functions allows us to do Functional Programming in JavaScript.

      *we might explore functional programming in another series.

  • When we create a function using function declaration we create a new variable in memory.

      // this is called a function declaration
      // it is one way of creating a function
      function myFn() {}

    This will create a variable myFn which holds function as a value. Let's inspect this function in the developer console in the browser to get a look under the hood.

    The method console. dir() displays an interactive list of the properties of the specified JavaScript object.

    See below, we expanded the [[Prototype]] property of the function myFn and we see, it contains f () and then within that, it contains Object. So we verified that a function is an object.

  • In JavaScript, [[Prototype]] and __proto__ are both mechanisms used to establish the prototype chain, which is the mechanism for object inheritance. *there are differences between the two and we will explore the prototypal chain and related topics in depth when we see advanced concepts.

  • name: "myFn" is the name of the function.

  • [[FunctionLocation]] points to the location of the function.

  • [[Scopes]]: Scopes[1] describes the scope chain. This is related to the accessibility and visibility of variables and functions in the execution context. For now, it's enough to be aware of this without understanding it.

  • A function is a set of reusable statements and expressions.

      let a = 5;
      let b = 3;
      let c;
      c = a + b;
      console.log(c); // 8
      a = 20;
      b = 10;
      c = a + b;
      console.log(c); // 30

    We are repeating some lines of code in our script

      // repeated code
      c = a + b;

    This is a good candidate for us to turn into a function, let's create one

      let a = 5;
      let b = 3;
      // function declaration
      function sum(a, b) {
          let c = a + b;
      // invoking function with arguments
      sum(a, b); // 8
      a = 10;
      b = 20;
      sum(a, b); // 30

Syntax of a function

  • Function Declaration

      // this way of creatiing a function
      // syntax is called function declaration
      function myFn(a, b) {
          let c;
          a = a + 1;
          c = a + b;
          return c;
    1. Here, the name is myFn which is variable, (a, b) is parameters, everything between {} is called function body, the return keyword is used to return the result of a function.

    2. After the closing curly brace, there is no ; semi-colon. In JavaScript after a block of statements we don't need to add a semi-colon.

    3. If we add this function to the existing code, nothing will happen. To use the function we need to call the function

       // myFn(10, 3) is calling the function
       // we wrap it in console.log() to see the output
       console.log(myFn(10, 3)); // 13
    4. Calling the function will execute it

      • "a" is assigned value 10 & "b" is assigned value 3 ( parameters are assigned corresponding values of arguments )

      • variable "c" is declared

      • value of "a" is incremented by 1

      • the sum of the values "a" and "b" is assigned to "c"

      • value of "c" is returned

This completes the function call, the function stops after the return statement.

  • The parameters of the function are variables, we do not need to declare them with var, let or const, these variables are automatically declared and assigned at the time of each function call.

  • Parameters, a return statement and arguments in a function call are optional.

      // This is a valid function declaration
      function myFn() {}
      myFn(); // undefined
      myFn(10, true); // undefined

    We can call a function with arguments even if there are no parameters, it will return undefined. *this kind of behaviour is not good, using typescript we can avoid such issues.

  • A function can be of the following types.

  • Reusing parameter names in code.

      // global scope
      function myFn1(a, b) { /*function scope*/ }
      function myFn2(a, b) { /*function scope*/ }
      let a = 5;
      let b = 6;
    1. We can reuse parameter names.

    2. Parameters (a, b) are limited to that function only and hence can be reused in different functions.

    3. Variables a, and b are declared in the global scope. These are valid declarations.

  • Function Declaration vs Function Expression

    1. Function Declaration consists of function keyword, function name, parameters which are optional and function body.

    2. Function Expression does not have a function name which means function expression is anonymous, it is an anonymous function expression.

       // anonymous function expression
       function(a, b) {
           let c;
           a = a + 1;
           c = a + b;
           return c;
  • Tabe to outline the usage of function declaration vs function expression

    The most common use case of Function Expression is being passed as an argument in a call to another function i.e. callback function.

  • Function expression assigned to a variable.

      const myFn = function(a, b) {
          let c;
          a = a + 1;
          c = a + b;
          return c;
      // invoking/calling the function
      myFn(5, 2); // 7

    const is mostly used to declare variables that hold a function as a value, to prevent reassignment of this variable. *we will revisit this in scopes later

  • In case of a function expression passed as an argument in a call to another function we don't need to assign the anonymous function expression to any variable.

      // setTimeout global scoped function like we discussed in Javascript Jumpstart - Types & Variables
      // accepts a callback function which is a anonymous function expression being passed to the setTimeout function.
      // this anonymous function expression is called a callback
      setTimeout(function() {
          console.log('Delayed Message')
      }, 1000);

This article explores all the core concepts we need to know to get a good handle on functions in javascript. Write and execute all different code snippets.

Next article, we will explore operators in-depth Javascript Jumpstart - Operators